The latest data indicate an increase in the number of Ukrainian children placed under “preliminary care” in Russia. The investigation showed that this figure reached 1,148 people, while only 380 children were officially declared.
In 2022, Russia announced the transfer of only 380 Ukrainian children to “preliminary care”. However, new investigations show that the actual figure is three times higher, approaching 1,148 people.
The discrepancy in the data is shocking. It is necessary to determine the real status of these children, as well as find out where they are.
The report of the government of the Rostov region indicates that 1,148 children were transferred to temporary care. However, it is not clear how many of them ended up with relatives, and how many – in orphanages.
It is known that a temporary guardian is appointed for a period of six months to eight months. If he does not issue a permanent guardianship during this time, the guardianship is terminated. Therefore, it is not known whether all 1,148 children remained in Russia.
Despite the difficulties in tracking the fate of each child, it was possible to establish the whereabouts of 290 children in 23 regions of Russia. The largest number – 47 children – are located in the Novosibirsk region. Further investigations into the fate of the other children are ongoing.