In the temporarily occupied town of Mykhailivka, the Rashists are selectively “evacuating” the population. This was reported by the Center of National Resistance under the Special Operations Forces of the...
Collaborators are resettled in empty apartments in Lysychansk, Luhansk Region. This was reported by the Luhansk Regional Military Administration. The other day, the occupying authorities of Lysychansk announced the creation...
The occupying “authority” of Luhansk region is not concerned with the life of the population in the captured Russian cities in any way. Local residents report this on social networks....
In Melitopol, the occupiers seize enterprises and kidnap people, encouraging the cooperation of workers. And refusals, of course, are not accepted. Thus, on October 28, 48-year-old Oleksandr Furs, head of...
There remains a high probability of enemy shelling in the right-bank Kherson region. This was announced by the head of the Kherson regional military administration, Yaroslav Yanushevich. – Dear residents...
Russian military removed valuable exhibits from Kherson to the occupied Crimea In addition to the unique paintings that are on display in the museums of Kherson and Nova Kakhovka, the...
Whoever pays, orders the music. In Melitopol, the occupiers set their own rules and give out other people’s apartments to poor collaborators. The fact that the Russian invaders arbitrarily settle...
In the so-called “education department” created by the occupiers in Izyum, law enforcement officers seized a folder with secret plans to replace Ukrainian education in schools with Russian. According to...
In Staraya Zbur’ivka of the Holoprystan community in the Kherson region, the occupiers have blocked the exit to the river and are digging trenches no more than 50 centimeters deep....