The Russians committed another environmental crime by poisoning the Seym River. It is located on the territory of the border regions of the Russian Federation and Ukraine, and also flows into the Desna.
This was reported by the State Agency of Land Reclamation and Fisheries of Ukraine.
Starting from August 14, Russians caused large-scale pollution of the reservoir, probably by dumping waste of unknown substances into the Seim River, the report said.
The analysis of surface samples of the species in the Seimas showed a strong excess of the maximum allowable concentrations of pollutants, in particular, ammonium and suspended solids. As a result of the poisoning of the reservoir, a mass plague of fish began.
The pollution spread to the entire water area of the river within Sumy Oblast and reached Chernihiv Oblast. There, the water turned black, the smell of rot, ammonia and dead fish.
The concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water remains critically low throughout the studied section of the reservoir. The chemical consumption of oxygen exceeds the maximum allowable norms by several times, which indicates a high level of organic pollution, the State Fisheries Agency added.
Because of this, it was forbidden to swim, fish and use river water for economic needs in the territory of Novoslobidska, Bochechkivska, Popivska village, Burynska, Putivlska, Krolevetska urban territorial communities. The law enforcement officers also opened criminal proceedings.