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In Avdiivka, the Russians shot six Ukrainian prisoners of war

Russian soldiers shot 6 captured Ukrainian soldiers at the Museum position (Military unit «Zenit») in Avdiivka.

This was reported in the DeepState Telegram channel.

“The brothers recognized the fighters from the video that was recently shared by Muscovites on the Internet. On the footage, shot dead bodies are lying in the premises of Garage No. 1,” the report says.

The museum was located on the territory of the former «Zenit» military unit. Due to the fact that the positions were surrounded for several days, everyone who was on foot had to fight their way to the main forces. Unfortunately, there were 4 non-walking boys (wounded) and 2 more walking ones who had no chance to make their way without evacuation.

“Most likely, the boys were shot immediately on February 15. Another one of the fighters managed to write before his death “he has no bread and half a bottle of water left.” In the footage with the bodies, one of the fighters was still holding the bottle after his death,” the DeepState team reports.