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Law enforcement officers documented the consequences of the Russian shelling of Nikopol and the Marganets community

On January 25, the sounds of Russian artillery rang out directly in Nikopol and the village of Marganets community.

This was reported by the main office of the national police in the Dnipropetrovsk region.

Arriving at the scene, investigators of the Nikopol district police department recorded damage to homes in the private sector. Roofs and walls were destroyed in houses, windows were blown out, people’s property was mutilated, and power lines were cut.

Fortunately, people were not injured.

Law enforcement officers continue to collect physical evidence of every Russian crime committed against the civilian population of Nikopol region.

According to the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, on the night of January 27, the aggressor again targeted Nikopol region. First, he struck Nikopol itself with heavy artillery. Then it flew over Marhanets.

Fortunately, there were no casualties. Around midnight, the sounds of war in the area died down.