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The Russians can cause an accident at the ZNPP, much worse than Fukushima and Chernobyl

Two workers of the Zaporizhzhіa nuclear power plant, temporarily captured by Russian troops, announced that the Russians had deliberately fired on the power lines of the ZNРP, as well as an increase in the number of military equipment and ammunition at the plant. In the event of an accident, the level of radioactive contamination will be much greater than Chernobyl and Fukushima.

The workers said that currently 3,000 personnel work at the ZNPP, while 13,000 employees served the station before the Russian occupation. Such a lack of personnel does not allow to properly service the station and eliminate problems, especially since most of the qualified staff have left, so the situation is getting worse. The workers, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Russians’ actions could cause devastation in much of Europe, the Russian Federation and the Mediterranean.

“The level of radioactive contamination, and most importantly the area of ​​contamination, would be thousands of square kilometers of land and sea… it would be much, much worse than Fukushima and worse than Chernobyl. Russia is deliberately firing power lines to disrupt the flow of electricity to Ukraine. These lines are necessary for the safety of the installation and the cooling mechanism of the reactors,” the message said.

Backup generators are also not being properly maintained, with five of the six reactors currently in cold shutdown. In addition, the level of Russian military activity has increased dramatically in the past few weeks, with Russian forces moving more armor, more ammunition and more weapons to the nuclear power plant, workers said.

On May 30, Energoatom reported that Russians are forcing ZNPР workers to sign contracts with Russia’s Rosatom under torture.

The Russian army is preparing a provocation at the captured Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant in order to complicate the liberation of the southern regions of Ukraine.

Russian troops use the territory of the ZNPP as a logistical and military base.